Sunday, August 18, 2013

In what ways has this course helped you to develop your own technology skills as a professional teacher?

I feel that this class has opened my eyes to several new forms of technology that I can incorporate into my classroom.  I had never had the opportunity to create a blog before, nor have I ever heard of a wiki.  It is important to introduce the new forms of technology to my students.  I must use different forms of inspiration and we live in a technology driven society.  It makes very good sense to use as much of that technology in my classroom.

In what ways have you deepened your knowledge of the teaching and learning process?

With the different forms of technology that we learned about during this class showed me several way to inspire learning.  The class allowed me an a glimpse into what education could be like if you had the opportunity to learn how to use today's new technology.  It is so important to inspire when your teaching.  So the idea of deepening of knowledge goes to the simple idea to inspire.  Through this class I have many new ideas on how to inspire learning within my classroom and school.  I have several ideas that I can share with my fellow teachers that I hope will also inspire them within their own classrooms.

In what ways have you changed your perspective from being teacher-centered to learner-centered?

Being teacher-centered educator I would teach my lessons and not really look towards outside my classroom for  information.  Much like the idea this is our book and we are going to learn what it has inside and not look for any other points of view.  Being a learner-centered educator you are always looking for many different points of view.  You have your school book but you also have different kinds of media to help educate your students.  Using Wikapedia is one that i would never use until now.  I was under the understanding that anyone could post to it and there for was not the most accurate form of information.  I learned a little more about it and now trust it more.  So this is one more form of information to use in the arsenal.  The more points of view you have the easier it will be to get the entire picture. 

In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology with the aim of increasing student achievement?

We have been given a glimpse into how to use pod casts, blogs, and wikis.  We are able to mast all or one just depending on how much work we want to put into them.  It is just like anything in life, you will get out just what you put into it.  So they have shown us the door but it is up to us to open it.  We are now equipped with new ideas and new ways to introduce old ideas.  The more i use my blog and introduce different wikis to my students the more I will be able to find new ways to fuse technology and school together.  We have to be willing to try new things in education.  If our students are already using them why not bring them into your classroom.  How else are we going to prepare our students for the real world?

Set two long-term goals (within two years) for transforming your classroom environment by which you may have to overcome institutional or systemic obstacles in order to achieve them. How do you plan to accomplish these goals?

Goal number one will be to have a blog that will be updated on a very regular bases that will allow students and parents to be involved on what is gong on in class.

Goal number two is to have my students creating their own wikis that will be uploaded to the blog.  The blog will be evolving as fast as the students can push it.  it will be a great collaboration between all classes and something that will be viewed by classes to come.

I just hope that the amount of internet usage that is available in the school will be one that allows everyone to use it.  Right now we do not have a great amount that can be used during the day without have problems like computers crashing and other problems with computers.



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