Sunday, July 7, 2013

Exploring technology in the art world

I am taking masters classes in education focusing on technology.  I have decided to get it in order to introduce technologies into the classroom.  Technology is something that I have not been able to utilize in my classroom, but I am hoping to change that.  My first obstacle is the simple fact that I do not know how to utilized the different types of technology that could be adapted for use in an art classroom.  The second obstacle is the lack of technology in my very old classroom and school which will fortunately be changing this school year. We will be moving into a new school building for the start of the second semester.  We have been told the technology will change and all classrooms will have smart boards as well as ELMO's.  Right now in my current classroom I would just be happy with a grounded outlets if you can believe that.  So this transition will be very exciting to be in a new classroom and be able to explore these new technologies to make more dynamic lessons for my students.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 11:54:00 AM EDT


I'm so glad to hear you will be moving into a building with more technological opportunities. I used to have a smart board at my old school and LOVED it. It is wonderful for displaying artwork to students. They love the large scale of the board and how they can see the details of artwork that they might have missed on a small print at the front of the room. You will love the Elmo as well. I have one in my classroom and it is connected to a large TV at the front of the room (I wish it was connected to a smart board). I am constantly using it to demonstrate projects to students. It is perfect because everyone can remain in their seats and still see what I am doing, step-by-step. There is no complaining that they can't see because someone is in the way anymore! You will love your new technology! Good luck!


Friday, July 12, 2013 at 10:23:00 AM EDT


I also am pursuing my Master's in Technology to improve my knowledge and skills in this area. I will also have the opportunity to use a smart board for the first time this fall in my elementary general music classroom. In addition to doing this master's work this summer, I have been working on flip charts for my board. I am striving to keep the "inter-active" piece in mind as I design things and not use the board merely for the projection piece. Can you tell me what ELMO is? I am not familiar with that acronym.
Congratulations on the new school and upgraded facilities. I speak from personal experience, also, when you don't have access to technology it is very hard to be incorporating it into your teaching. My district works hard to provide as much technology resources as they can, but Math, English, Science and Social Studies come before art, music, library and physical education.
Enjoy your new space!


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